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(Cucurbita Maxima) Prefered squash of Japan, this is a particularly high yielding cultivar. A moister texture than other Hokkaido and Kabocha squash, it is slightly drier and flakier than Buttercup. Slightly flattened, bluish-gray 2-5 lb. fruits are very uniform with consistently high eating quality and a delicious nutty, sweet flavor. Excellent keeper. Seeds of Change
(C. moschata) An Italian Butternut-type squash, these have a violin shape and wrinkled tan skin, the flesh is deep orange and sweet, perfect for desserts, roasting, stuffing and baking. Good for marketing.Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
This very old pre-1880s heirloom was a top market variety in the US. A smooth, white turnip with quality, mild, white flesh; an early variety.Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
The very tender, white roots are cylindrical, 5"-6" long and 2" wide, with a mild and sweet flavor. This old French heirloom was one of the most popular varieties grown by French market growers in the late 1800s. Imported European seed.Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
60 days. A beautiful chard, its colors are brilliant (pink, yellow, orange, red and white). This chard originated in Australia. Very mild, ornamental, and tasty. Great for market growers and specialty markets. Pretty enough to plant in the flower garden, so delicious, one of our favorite greens! (Sold in stores as "Bright Lights")Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
60 days. Neon, hot pink chard is so pretty and is perfect picked small for salads or larger for braising.
50 days. Big leaves to 10" long, smooth and deep green in color. Very fast growing plants are popular for fall planting. This 'monster' of Viroflay is a gourmet French heirloom that was developed prior to 1866.
This is the giant of the spinach clan, plants spread to 25"! Tender leaves are great for canning, steaming or salads, for those who want quantity and quality, introduced in 1926.Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
A delicious white Daikon type radish from Japan. Long white roots grow to 15" or more! Mild and very crisp; perfect fresh in salads, or for making wonderful pickles. These are planted in late summer and harvested in fall and early winter.
So unique! This bright yellow, olive-shaped radish is truly one of the most beautiful and tasty radishes I've ever grown--sweet and mild. Looks like yukon gold or fingerling potatoes! This heirloom came from Alzbeta Kovacova-Pecarova of Kosice, Czechoslovakia.Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
The colorful "Beauty Heart" radish of historic China. The 4" round roots have white and green skin, but the magic is in their rose-red center which is so sweet, crisp, and delicious. A good radish to add color to salads and stir-fries; must be grown in cool weather and does best when fall planted. Sometimes called "Red Meat Radish" at market.Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
A popular radish from North China, the tasty flesh is bright green. Very unique and colorful, they are shaped like Daikons. These only grow well in cool weather, great for fall planting. An old Chinese standard. Rare.Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Beautiful brilliant red stalks, flavorful and tasty. Very unique and colorful, a bulbing type.
An heirloom Japanese, perennial bunching onion, stalks grow and divide from the base. Mild and tasty. These are an essential ingredient in both Oriental and American foods. A non-bulbing white type.
Our Improved formula blend is now better than ever! With more brightly colored and unique lettuces, it makes a flavorful and brilliant salad. A top selling item for us - our customers just love it! Perfect for better markets or your home table. People love the rich, old-fashioned taste. Includes some unlisted rare varieties.Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
60 days. Introduced in the 1870's by Peter Henderson & Co. Sweet and tender leaves, light yellow-green, very popular.
65 days. Very rare romaine type with upright, rounded leaves, applegreen in the center and pink-to-bronze outside. Tender and sweet, holds well in the garden, and is one of the last to become bitter. A good choice for early spring or fall gardens, as it tolerates cool temperatures very well. Makes a lovely salad! From Switzerland.
Compact, hardy, French butterhead-type lettuce that was introduced in 1855. Crunchy green leaves are blushed in reddish- brown color. Plants require little space when growing, and are perfect for fall plantings. Hard to find in America.Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Delicious cabbage-flavored bulbs that grow above ground. Purple skin and sweet, white flesh, good cooked or raw. Kohlrabies make a real staple crop, with high yields; cold hardy. A pre-1860 heirloom.
Very tender and mild, a pre-1885 heirloom variety. Oak type leaves have a red tinge, and stems are a purplish-red. One of our favorite kales. Great flavor.
Japanese mustard greens, tasty, slightly spicy flavor, great for stir-frying or salads, good for hot or cold weather.
This old-time favorite has a mild nutty flavor. Tender leaves are excellent in salads, and also excellent as a cooked green.
This is the Anise flavored vegetable that Italians love. Large 1 to 2 lb bulbs are delicious in soups, sauteed, baked and raw in salads. This Italian cultivar is fairly early. The authentic "Finocchio" for growers of quality.
A great old southern favorite, pre-1880 heirloom, has a good resistance to heat and cold. Great for the south, but also good up north, huge yield, a real producer, very tasty and flavorful.
Big tall heads, widely grown in the Orient, mild and tasty, very tender, great for stir-fry
110 days. Root Celery, this variety is grown for its large, white roots that are superb fried, or in soup. Taste and culture much like regular celery. Introduced in 1871, popular in parts of Europe.
This one is causing excitement at farmers' markets. Carrots have bright purple skin and flesh that comes in shades of yellow and orange. Spicy and sweet-tasting roots are great for marketing.Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
75 days. Lovely, lemon-yellow roots have sweet, bright yellow flesh. Good for a summer to fall crop, large 8" roots and strong tops. Yellow carrots always taste the best to me; they are so crunchy and full of juice.
100 days. The standard open-pollinated variety since the 1890s. Heavy yields of delicious sprouts.
This baby bok choy is a standard for quality, small heads are harvested when just 5" tall, they are so tender and mild. The medium green plants are ready for harvest in 50 days.
Oblong, golden-yellow mangel beets are sweet and tasty if picked small. A rare European heirloom that can grow huge. It also makes tasty greens.
A pre-1840 Italian heirloom beet, this variety arrived in the USA prior to 1865. They have light red skin and beautiful rings inside, like red and white candy stripes. The flesh is very tender, mild, and sweet. Named after a fishing town in Italy.
In 1885, the French book, The Vegetable Garden stated this is one of the oldest varieties. Today some experts feel this may be the oldest beet still in existence, possibly dating back 1000 years. This unique variety is one of the most flavorful, with carrot-shaped roots that have rough, dark colored skin which looks like tree bark. Inside, the roots are very dark, with almost black flesh that is of superior quality and sought after by chefs who want real flavor. We are proud to offer this rare old selection.Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
One of the largest early varieties that will keep shape until fall. Tops can reach 16 inches. Roots are uniform shape, smooth skinned, and flattened heart shaped. "Egyptian" beet varieties were developed in Germany in the 1860s.1 The "Crosby" strain originated from the efforts of Josiah Crosby, an Arlington, Massachusetts market gardener who selected to retain the earliness, increase the depth, and remove the roughness of 'Flat Egyptian.' It was introduced commercially in 1885 by James J. H. Gregory of Marblehead, Massachusetts. Plant produces good yields of purplish-red beet. Ideal for boiling, pickling, baking, and freezing. This smooth round flat shaped beet is one of the best beets on the market.
A rare Italian heirloom from the Puglia region. Its long, thin ribs are tinged lavender and its leaf is deeply cut and frilly. Gorgeous! Great cooked or in salads.Cherry Gal Heirloom Garden Seeds
An Italian heirloom from Florence that needs lots of heat to produce well. A large, stocky beautiful eggplant if you are in an area that can grow it. Good for Southern and Southwestern gardens! 97 days. 10 seeds.
An Italian heirloom that produces almost fluorescent green medium-sized heads for October-November harvest. You can leave the heads unwrapped to produce an even more intense green. Tender and delicious! 75 days.Cherry Gal Seeds
An exquisitely beautiful Italian heirloom that is a standout for flavor and it is frost resistant! 75 days from transplant.Cherry Gal Seeds
A beautiful Northern Italian heirloom with a rose blush to its deeply colored leaves. Color and flavor are enhanced by cooler weather. 63-100 days from transplant. 20 seeds.Cherry Gal Seeds
A wonderful semi-savoyed heirloom dating back to Victorian England (the French also claim it). Extremely cold hardy yet also grows well in the summer months. Dense, green, round to slightly flattened heads have attractive, purple-tinged wrapper leaves.Cherry Gal Seeds
A tasty turnip with sweet, lightly golden flesh; fine flavored.
Looseleaf lettuce. Introduced to gardeners in 1988 by Harris Moran. Described as “distinctly red; slow bolting; a fast mover for markets demanding unique vegetables.” Flame is a relatively recent introduction, however it is offered by only a few companies today.
Romaine lettuce. Compact heads grow almost straight up to a height of 10", excellent flavor. Unique, almost serrated leaves. A real standout, one of our best varieties.Seed Savers Exchange
Butterhead lettuce with red-tinged leaves form somewhat loose heads that can measure up to 12" across. Cutting the head in half exposes solid green interior leaves and an almost white center. Excellent mild flavor, one of our most popular varieties of lettuce.Seed Savers Exchange
Early maturing butterhead lettuce for the earliest spring plantings. Pale green heads are tinged with red, and the sweet, pale yellow hearts have a pink blush to them. A wonderful 19th century heirloom.
Long, thick (2" across) vigorous and fast growing, delicate, deliciously mild flavor, great fresh or cooked. The Carentan leek was mentioned by Vilmorin in 1885. An old European favorite that is becoming rare.
A delicious Japanese green; cook like spinach. Vigorous plant produces many thin stalks; very mild and tasty, early. Highly used in salad mixes.Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Beautiful, brilliant purple heads are of a fine, sweet flavor. The heads cook to bright green. Insect-resistant variety that is easier to grow than white varieties; rich in minerals. A colorful heirloom. Select Italian seed.Baker Creek Heirloom Seed
Brilliant red carrots are so healthful and unique-looking, sure to add color to your garden. The roots are high in lycopene, which has been shown in studies to help prevent several types of cancer. Crisp roots are at their best when cooked, and this helps to make the lycopene more usable. Very flavorful.
Here is a vigorous producer of creamy white roots that are very mild, delicious, and have a fine flavor; very small core. White carrots were grown in the Middle Ages, but now they have become very rare. We are glad to offer this productive new variety.
This loose-leafed cabbage dates back to the early 1800s at least. It has beautiful, deep black-green leaves that can be 24" long. They are heavily savoyed. This Italian heirloom is popular in Tuscany and central Italy for making fabulous soups and stews. One of the most beautiful and flavorful types you can grow.
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds"Banana-shaped fruit, smooth yellow skin and sweet, spicy salmon flesh. 16”-24" long, 5-8 lbs. It was listed in 1885 by J. H. Gregory’s Catalogue, which said 'When ripe it reminds one of a large, overgrown banana... It smells like one, having a remarkably powerful and delicious fragrance.'" (90 days)
from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds"Beautiful, deep orange flesh; very sweet, excellent, almost tropical flavor! The best-tasting of ALL orange varieties we tried -- the favorite of many who tried it at our place. High yields. Very resistant to wilt and insects; strong healthy vines." (85 days)